Friday, April 11, 2008

Spider season has begun again

Originally uploaded by TomMartinArt
I live in a section of a building that's adjacent to both the basement and a crawlspace. My door is on a side of the building that doesn't get a lot of sunlight. The result, as I saw last year, is spiders. I get spiders. They don't freak me out that much, but sometimes I get the really big ones. The inch-long ones you might see crawling on Indiana Jones' back. They've popped back up since the recent bout of warm weather here, and now I'm swimming in spiders again. Just two nights back I came home to find two big ones just hanging out on my door. I didn't want to open the door because they'd skitter in... eugh.

A few years back I was in a kill-free phase where I wouldn't set any kinds of traps or squish anything- ants, spiders, mice all got a pass. That time of animal empathy is over for me. I'm a tissue-grabbing spider-squishing machine. If you read this, you little hairy shits, just know that I'm going to crush you like I'm the Gorax from The Ewok Adventure. He had a spider too, but that spider had the good sense to keep its distance. Learn from him, and don't try to use ewok magic items or trick me into falling down the chasm I keep in my house.

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