Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Your artwork in the WORLD GONE DEAD booklet

This is an open call to all LK fans. Send in a doodle, oil painting, charcoal sketch, whatever to me and we'll put the best stuff in the new album's CD booklet. Here are the guidelines.

• Have the art be of the King doing something awesome, or of some other subject that ties in to LK songs or mythology or whatever.

• We're not necessarily looking for good art. Crappy art is just as fun. Do stick figures if you have to.

• Make the art big. 300 DPI is optimal. A tiny, shitty jpeg won't cut it.

• Submit the art to asap. There's no deadline just yet, but make it soon.

• You're not getting paid and there's no prize for the best submission. Deal with it.

Obviously your art will live on through the centuries as this classic album is reprinted, remastered and reissued in perpetuity. This is your chance at immortality, so jump at it you spineless worm.

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